Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How much are you worth?

I found an interesting article that might just encourage you!

Being a Stay-at-Home Mom is probably one of the most multifacited-job-tasks that we as Mom's would ever face. A harder task master than any outside job would require on us; little acknowledgements or benefits; long nights and early mornings. I probably would not stay in any job very long if my boss, or co-worker would scream or cry and whine every time they didn't like something, and would most certainly not stay if I wasn't even being paid! 

Now, we are also HOME SCHOOL Stay-at-home Moms!!! Add on to that list above: a ton more responsibilities, endless hours of curriculum, reporting, one-on-one teaching, interventions, meet-ups, etc, etc. Sometimes some of us have to take on a little side job too just to help with finacnces. Here in Canada it is getting near impossible to live by being a one-income family. 

So why do we do it?

Because we love God! He has ordained us to this wonderful task and He knows what He is doing, even when we don't. Because we want to live out His words when it says we should love our children and be maker's of the home. Because we know that God would not give us more than we could handle and that He is there for us to lean on when we can't handle it! 

To the world, we might be worth some figures that are made up, but we know we aren't getting paid those numbers. That doesn't matter, because...

To God...

We are simply Priceless 

Happy Learning :D

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Day in the Life Of: When things don't go according to the Schedule

So we have been bombarded with so many interruptions lately, between sickness and church responsibilities, we have had a few days of Schedule "hiccups". I call these days are off days

Before when we had our off days, I would barely do be honest I probably didn't do any school. Just being real with you all :D I didn't know where to start or how to get organized once we were interrupted so badly. 

Now that we have incorporated our schedule, these days are so much easier to handle. I can look at our schedule and adapt to what I can do, or see how the timing will work out for each subject. I can judge better on how the day will look and work around it by using the Schedule as a guide. This has been so beneficial. 

Some subjects I will do if we are really crunched for time is:  L.A. & Math. If we can't get anything done, this, we will not skimp out on. A little is better than none, I think to myself. 

Life is always busy in our day and age, but skipping school days I do not recommend. I found it was harder to get back in the rhythm of things, so to speak, if we missed any days. It was harder to teach on the next thing because we needed to focus more on review than anything else. It was one step forward and two steps back for many of those days. 

We can not avoid distractions at times. We are busy Mom's. We have chores to do, errands to run, outside responsibilities that beckon us, not to mention dirty diapers, messes kids constantly make during the day, etc. etc. It is a hard thing to live and learn in the same building. So, being flexible I think is our life line. 

I never beat myself up for days we only get to a little bit of actual worksheet-type schooling. My kids are constantly learning and I take opportunities to teach in every area of their lives. Be encouraged and never beat yourself up, there is no way you can really do it all. Enjoy what you can do :D

Here are a few things we did during our off day recently!

A Day in the Life Of

 For my Pre-Schooler, she did puzzle work and pattern work with beads. She also learned the Phonic sound of Kk.

My Grade 1'er did L.A and Math work.

My Kindergartener did LA and his math work. He had to sequence up to 10 today.

Then, he counted down from Ten and we made the Rocket Blast up to Space!

**wanted to do a Science Experiment with an actual rocket that shot up with Baking Soda and Vinegar. This is one of the things we had to skip ;( But we will do it next time.

**Interestingly though, we ended up doing more Math & Science anyway during snack-time. The kids were complaining about who would get the bigger container for their fishy crackers. I thought, "What a perfect time to teach volume!" I told them we were going to learn about volume and I took the smaller container (or the one that appeared smaller) and filled it up with fishy crackers. I asked if anyone thought it would fill up the larger one just the same as the smaller. To their amazement, it did, and nobody complained about the containers anymore ;D Life learning opportunities are the best!

My Grade Three'er did his L.A. and Math...he took longer because we have up'd his math to 2 worksheets. He was behind and I knew he could handle the work load. 

Then the kids did their iPad work, they are learning about Martin Luther King on Brain POP :D

Happy Learning!

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Modesty and the Heart

I love a great Link up lately, but when I did this week, I found a wonderful Post by The Modest Mom Blog and it really sums up some things in my heart. Have a read for yourself :D

31 days of femininity

On the topic of being Gentle in our femininity, I have a book that I go to for advice every now and then. It is full of great wisdom from a regular Mom just like me and you who had gone through the ups and downs and settled into to prayer to seek God's ultimate Wisdom.

She then, with the encouragement of her husband embarked on a new vision that was placed in her heart from God to be meek and quiet, even in Homeschooling! Hence the book title, Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit

LOL, When I saw the title I almost laughed because I thought..."you don't know my house hahaa, there is not many quiet times where I feel like being meek!" It turns out, she felt the same :D But chose God's heart instead of her own. Although there are a few things I don't particularly agree with (just a tad ;) I always turn back to it when I know I need a good cup of Wisdom to wash down my pride and stubbornness sometimes!

So grab a-cup-a-joe and get a good read with Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit.

Happy Learning!

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Socially Speaking

Hi Everyone, I had a few moment to sit down to write...hhhaawwaa! It feels nice to sit :D

A few days ago I posted on Science, tonight I will post on Social Studies.
I really love using a Map

and a Globe.

As a child I always would look over at the Globe and wonder why anyone wasn't using it or how I could begin to understand what all those places were about. I would imagine all of the places I would go to and dream far off dreams. But, be quickly snapped into reality with my Teacher staring down at me tapping her pen on my desk with a face that read, "Miss Melanie, why are you not doing your Socials?!" Only to be left colouring in some odd places I still had no idea about. All dry facts with no real adventure!

Then I got to be the Teacher and vowed I would never do that to my children. I would encourage them to dream and take adventures with their imaginations...I would inspire that imagination through great Stories, Pictures, Videos and Hands-On-Learning. I don't want just dry facts to teach, I wanted that adventure for my how to get it lol!

First off, I got a Globe and used it :D

Then I got a bunch of resources I could incorporate lessons with. If our Map Workbook was on Ontario and Newfoundland (which ours currently was) I use all my resources to tap into and offer a wide variety of follow-up study with each one!

In this study, I knew Quebec was next so I used the Canadian Pioneers stories and did a project with it for my Dyslexic Son that did not require much writing. He is 8 years old.

We do the Continents of the World by Learning Resources for the Hands-on right now (see Resource Review Page for the link to that), but can't wait to use Little Passports!

For the books I use, see below :D

Happy Learning!

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Canadian Online Resource

Hey Everyone,

I am always looking for something to refer to as a Canadian to educate my children. I love all the resources that the U.S. does supply, however, I would really like to keep school work and learning focused on our Country too! Because of that, I am always looking for Canadian inspired resources to share and use. I found one that many of Dyslexic learner's should enjoy because of the visuals that are provided and all of the interactions with neat little extras they have to offer as well. As always I like to get good freebies and these are free to enjoy! Here is the Link :D

Another one is not free, but I found very interesting and useful for some Home learners..

This is through Scholastic's Canada it is an interactive Science units that are focused on our Provinces outcomes. Thought I would pass this info along and hope it helps some of you families out there :D

Happy Learning!

Free Valentines Cards from Little Passports

Little Passports has Valentines Day Cards for Everyone!
Think it's too early? It's not! Valentines day will be here before you know it and I have several Little Passports Valentines Day Card Printables that your child can give to their friends. These are perfect for homeschool groups too! 

Little Passports enables you to teach your child about the hundreds of different cultures around our world and around the USA! Each month, a package addressed to your kids (which they LOVE) arrives full of little goodies like stickers for their own passport, activity sheets that teach them about major landmarks around the world and gets their brain going with fun word scrambles! Little Passports even shares fun recipes that you can cook up with your kids to turn them into little chefs who know all about foods from different cultures. Subscriptions start at just $10.95/month which is another bonus! This is also the perfect resource for anyone who homeschools out there. Let me know what you think after you get set up with your own Little Passports subscription.


Free Early Reader e-Book Set! Subscribe to Homeschool Survival and get the set for free. It is a value at $6.99. I always love a Freebie :D

THere is a FREE Homeschool Snowman Printable Pack. You can also get it in Spanish!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Scientifically Speaking

I recently just read a post by Abundant Life about what she uses in her family for Science. I figured it was about time I did the same. It was very neat to see and encouraging to note what worked for her family of Dyslexic learner's. Interestly, some of what she uses for her family, I also use or have used in the past and love!

So, some of you have seen my Review Page and the games we use for Science. There is also a Life Science game we have and a Body Game called, "Somebody". These are all great tools to have that really help to keep the learning material solidified, but what do we actually use for Science as a Curriculum?

Well, we use a combination of things and have tried a various of neat experiences. Lately we have stuck mainly to The Apologia, Exploring Science with Astronomy and Botany. Although I have noticed that the terminology and work is very University/College level. So I do tweak it a bit and do not require more out of my Children than I know they can handle.

We love to go on Nature Walks and Journal about them with My Nature Journal and a note book for taking down our drawings.

We do neat experiments through InquisiKids Discover and Do. We have all the Levels and do experiments as we feel necessary.

We also use Usbournes Science Activities Book. This is great for visuals and step-bystep on "How To" etc.

We have boughten Butterfly's and watched them grow, then have babies! Then we watched them grow! It turned into a Business Awareness Project where we sold the cocoons to other Homeschooling families because we had so many. It was quiet the opportunity :D

Hand's on learning is awesome for our learners and I hope some of our Homeschooling Resources will encourage you to get your hands dirty and dive in to the world of Science!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Godly Character when you're ready to Throw in the Towel!

What do we do when we are ready to lose it or give up?
I think this is a thought that many of us go through like a roller coaster ride at times. Then we are left with our poor choses and bad decisions if we do give in to those feelings and frustrations, but does it have to be this way?


God has given us everything we need in order to survive these up and down hills. We just need to access them! So, how do we do that?

The Bible says to "Speak to ourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" Ephesians 5:19. This is what He wants us to do in times of discouragement: Access Him through singing and through scripture.

Memorizing scripture is key in the fight of our emotions that can overtake us. We can fight with God's Word and be encouraged through songs that reflect His Glory and Strength. If it were not so, He would not tell us to do it. He knows what will work better than we do. For in our weaknesses, He is Strong.

 Take it on your self to incorporate studying God's word together with your children.

~Find scriptures that are geared towards right attitudes toward eachother, towards God, and towards authority.

~Find Hymns and songs that reflect a pure heart, one that emanates God's. One that looks to Him with every word you sing and be encouraged! Let Him purify your heart to have a new focus on the tasks a head of you, that often is too much to bear.

Most importantly of all, make sure you have a time each morning to begin your day in His arms, reading His word and bearing your heart before Him. Pray before the day begins for His strength to guide and help you. I will pray for all of you too!

Happy Learning :D

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Mom of Many, "What do you do about Toddlers?"

Ha, like I am a Pro at this LOL!!!

But, I am always willing to learn alongside of everyone else, from someone way more organized and talented then me...I have no shame in saying that! The Bible says, " teach the younger." I am the most uneducated person in the area of entertaining toddlers during school hours, even though I have 2 of them. I find myself letting them let lose on the house and destroying it while desperately trying to finish up work with the other three. Sometimes I find it is a zoo in here and I am too pooped to clean up after the wild day!

Then, I found an amazing Mom who is way more talented and organized then me! They always help us if we are willing to admit our short comings, which I am completely!

1+1+1=1 has an incredible wealth of information for what to do with Toddlers and that includes Free Printables :D which I love!

She has an amazing Storage System and you should check out her School Room :D I have a lot more to do in the organizational department, that is for sure! But, with organization comes better structure, with better structure comes better learning, with better learning comes a better student and with a better student comes an accomplishment child and a happy Mommy :)

Tell me who you look up to for help with your short comings. What is your secret to success when it comes to Toddlers?

Do you know of anywhere that have good ideas when it comes to Toddler's too? 

Please share them and your thoughts, be apart of the conversation, I would love to hear from you.

Happy Learning!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Learning through Audio Books

My Audio School is a very great Resource for the Dyslexic Learner! It was created by a wonderful mom who had children with Dyslexia and wanted them to learn through great literature. She compiled free Audio books in many different school subjects. These subjects range from Classical books, old-time radio theatre, historical radio broadcasts that include Ancients, middle ages, renaissance, revolution, empires and more!

Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare for Children by Edith Nesbit

Unblocked Titles are those that you can access for free. You can also Un-block them at any time for an annual fee of $14.99. But I prefer the free ones!

Hope this helps! Happy Learning :D

What to do about Writing | Grammar | Copywork

Dysgraphia can be such a challenge for Dyslexic students. I know my son couldn't care less about sitting to write. It is such a tiresome thing for him that he so badly would love to avoid it like the plague! There are things like pencil grippy's that could help and all sorts of different shaped pencil, I am sure...but he simply despises writing even if I bought him every little gadget I could find! But he needs to do it and he needs to learn Language Arts. So How can we accomplish this task?


Find something that works!

I am always looking and seeking for what will work. I will be doing reviews all next week of what is and isn't working in the realm of Language Arts for everyone. You can look for them on my Reviews tab at the top of the page.

It is so important to not have such a daunting task of writing be ruined by dry facts that your child deems, unimportant to do unless necessary, to avoid the struggle. Because, it is a major struggle for them and requires them to work way harder in writing then the average person. I have compiled some good resources below that many use and know works! The lessons are not too big and tiresome for our Dyslexic learners and are great for visual and auditorial learning. Check them out below!


Complete Writer Writing With Ease by Susan Wise Bauer is an awesome Charlotte Mason Style approach to writing, which I love. It gives a great lesson plan that is not too overwhelming for the Dyslexic learner. She uses Stories to capture the young reader's heart and then uses it as inspiration to write. She uses many Classical stories and Fables within the lessons; A very good program for reluctant writers.

You can also find her incredible book called The Well Trained Mind, a recommended good read.


Then there is Daily Grams. You can find them from about Grade 3 and up. I like these for Grammar because it is: short and sweet, to the point, not too much work, keeps Grammar a main focus each and everyday! They are not that expensive either.

~Just to note: You will still need to do things like: web work, main topic, beginning/middle/end of a story, etc for a full LA.



If you are looking for strictly, Charlotte Mason-styled workbooks. Then Queens Homeschooling is your best bet. There may be others too, so look around to find something that suits your families needs. This is very similar to Writing With Ease, but has very wonderfully detailed art work to accompany it! Awesome for Dyslexic learners! I also really appreciate her approach to scripture and weaving moral values throughout the learning process :D Which is many of the reasons I love to Homeschool!

These are some of the copywork lessons you would find:

They also carry many other lessons which include Bible and Thematic lessons etc. Find a Sample of this lesson below. Here are the Language Lessons:


They have a wonderful Cursive Writing Study which includes many wonderful Pictures to glean from. This is neatly done to have the writer study art appreciation and write about it too! Look at a sample below.

I use Handwriting Without Tears for our son in Cursive. But what I found is that the lessons are a bit too much for him. I would usually draw a line to separate the page up and get him to do that...but then we are way behind in his development because of that?? I think this way (Pictures in Cursive) would be a better approach. 

Let me know what you think, what works for you and give your thoughts or suggestions for other Moms out there too :D

Happy Learning!